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CSS Vault sold for $100k
One of the very first CSS gallery sites have been sold- again.
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Three new demonstrations at CSS play
Three new demonstrations, 'CSS only speech bubbles', 'Overlap and overrun menu' and 'Chunky borders'
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WaSP Street Team
A new Web Standards Project initiative to encourage the promotion of Web standards in local communities. Your help needed!
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A useful site to help you build a good mobile site. provides an analysis of how your web content is likely to function on a mobile device.
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Semantics in HTML Part III - Towards a semantic web
Part III - Directions in HTML Semantics
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Javascript/CSS Font Detector
Lalit Patel has created a nice Javascript/CSS font detector. This Javascript code can be used to guess if a particular font is present on the users machine.
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How to Create an Animated, Sliding, Collapsible DIV with Javascript and CSS
An article outlining the steps to create a sliding, collapsible div with javascript and css.
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Making your business cards dynamic in Illustrator
Veerle shares a nifty trick using 'transform' to create multiple business cards in Adobe Illustrator.
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Web 2.0 Tutorials Round-Up
Smashing Magazine with a nice list of Web 2.0 tutorials.
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Top 100 Blogs and Why
A review of the current 100 popular blogs on Technora, trying to understand what is popular in the blogosphere today; and why.